What connection settings when using ICS?

I have a desktop PC that connects with dial-up to the Internet, and a laptop that uses Internet Connection Sharing through the desktop. When I log on to the Internet with the desktop it ‘sees’ the connection and it immediately goes out and gets the virus database updates. However, the laptop doesn’t do this. If I manually ask for updates from the laptop, it works just fine.

What are the proper settings to use for Connections on the laptop so it will go out and get updates right away when I connect to the Internet?

  1. I only connect to the Internet using dial-up modem

  2. My computer is permanently connected to the Internet.

1, 2, both or neither?

It doesn’t use the modem to connect, but it isn’t permanently connected to the Internet, either.

Any suggestions are appreciated. This is Avast Home, Version 4.6 .

Gregg C.

avast checks if there is an available connection each 40 seconds.
If there isn’t, wait more 40 seconds to check. Checking does not take more than one second and, of course, does not use the Internet band.
If there is a connection, check for an update. If there is not any new file to download, wait 4 hours to start checking again. If there is an available update, start it and install it. Again, wait 4 hours to check the next time.
Some of this settings could be configurated different, I posted the default values of the avast4.ini file.
The program updates are released but to avoid excessive load on the servers the auto update check happens randomically every 7 days and it’s not checking every time you connect to the Internet as with the iAVS checks.

To your PC, I suggest, 2) My computer is permanently connected to the Internet.
To your laptop, I suggest, 1) I only connect to the Internet using dial-up modem

That seems backwards at best. Currently the desktop PC is set to check for the internet through the dial-up modem and that works really well just for the desktop. The problem is the laptop. It doesn’t use the modem to connect at all, so that doesn’t make sense to me to use that setting, it uses the ICS through the network, not the modem. When I have it set that it is permanently connect to the Internet, I’ll connect with dial-up on the desktop, the desktop will immediately receive the new updates, but the laptop doesn’t ask or get the updates.

Gregg C.

Gregg C., if you were using the Professional version you could:

  1. schedule an updating.
  2. using a connection detector (for instance, the extraordinary good NetRun application) and then using the command line updater of avast (\Avast4\ashUpd.exe)

That’s a poor answer and doesn’t address the question at all. Even if I could schedule the update, I don’t have a preset schedule when the laptop will be connected to the internet.

If the answer is that there is no convenient way for the laptop to detect the ICS connection and go get the updates when that connection becomes live, then please tell me that is the case.

Gregg C.

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I realy don’t know more. You could test other combinations. I’m not hidding any knowleage from you.