I’ve set avast 4.6 pro to repair found viruses and then move them to the virus chest. Now what do I do with the viruses after they’ve been moved to the chest?
If I do nothing, does that mean my computer is infected?
I’ve set avast 4.6 pro to repair found viruses and then move them to the virus chest. Now what do I do with the viruses after they’ve been moved to the chest?
If I do nothing, does that mean my computer is infected?
No. Chest mean quarentened. They can’t do harm anymore.
Leave them there for about 2 weeks.
If you don’t have any problems running applications, remove them after those two weeks.
Read Avast help file to learn how Avast is working and what it is offering the user.
(settings and such)
You’re safer if you move your files into the avast! built in virus chest, this keeps all the viruses locked away, such as a chest would, in life. If you ever get a virus message, and aren’t sure what to do, always click “Move to chest.” and then you can scan it later, after maybe a couple of updates, just to make sure it wasn’t a false alarm.
Thank you.