What does avast do,can it free up space

Can avast give me more space

Avast Is an Antivirus product and doesn’t specifically free up space.

It does a product called Avast CleanUp - but care has to be taken as some find it can do a very good job - in that it can remove things you might not have wanted cleaned up. So you would need to check its settings to prevent that.

I don’t use the Avast CleanUp product so I’m not familiar with it.

Thank you David,
Would it help prevent freezing

Freezing is generally a problem with running out of memory RAM and or the CPU computer processor chip struggling to handle the number of loaded/running processes.

The same the Avast CleanUp product doesn’t specifically reduce load. If you are having problems as outlined above adding another process to the mix Avast CleanUp would add to that load.

I on occasions suffer to some regard with an old Intel Core i5 7200U 2.5GHz, 8GB DDR4 memory, so I on occasions shutdown some programs to regain processing power and RAM.

Excelent David thank you

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You’re welcome.