What extactly are these streaming updates

Exactly how to they work? Does it update your database all the time? or is it like the definitons are stored in avast servers and the antivirus checks those too?

Have a look here.

So basically in order for it to work u have to be connected at all time? … I still dont get it , is the info stored on ur computer or their databases?

You are protected if you are connected to the internet or not. The streaming updates are in addition to the standard virus updates and are located in the same folder, on your hard drive, as the traditional updates.

It works like this…

The permanent connection is just to let avast! update server know you are online. When update is available, avast! server instantly pushes the update to you (since it knows that you are online, is aware of you) and you receive it the very same moment they release it. Opposed to interval update checking which may take few hours before your antivirus will obtain an update which was released lets say 4 hours ago. Antiviruses check for updates in fixed intervals (avast! for example every 4 hours for normal VPS). There is quite a big delay caused by this depending on when the update was released and when your antivirus checks for updates. And because it’s a hybrid cloud, it stores all the detection database on your computer. So if you at any time disconnect from the internet, you still carry around ALL the detection capability. Where with other cloud solutions (like Panda Cloud Antivirus), when you disconnect, you lose most of the detection capability and it will only protect you against limited number of malware. So avast! delivers good response time for new malware without any compromises.

I’m using a mobile broadband connection, so I’m very concerned about my data allowance. I don’t mind genuine updates, but I don’t want to pay for data just to confirm I’m still connected.

On avast 6 I’ve recently noticed my data usage is always at least 10MB per hour, and Netlimiter2 reports that as all being due to Avast Service. As far as I can see, this may be due to Avast scanning my use of Gmail usng Chrome? Do I need to turn off WebRep, etc?

I hope these “Cloud Services” aren’t going to make this worse. Mobile data can cost as much as £2 for 25MB each day, and that’s in the UK, not abroad. Mobile data on a slow connection could make the computer almost unusable if un-necesary data connections are being used.

The cloud servers are so overloade the connection to the cloud is unstable… But I am willing to wait… The reason why I switched to avast is becuase SYmantech ENDPOINT started to glitch up after I restored windows for some reason…

The activity analysis on my firewall shows more or less the same thing. This is perfectly normal, and has been for ages – because avast acts as a local proxy, most internet activity will show as to/from (more accurately, through) avast rather than your browser or whatever else you’re online with.