What files should i not delete from my C:/ drive?

So, I want to clean up my computer, so I am planning on basically wiping the C:/ drive clean. I’ve got all the stuff I don’t want to delete on a separate drive partition so I don’t delete that stuff. What I need is a list of files that I shouldn’t delete from that drive. I’m leaving C:/Windows/ alone, so basically what should I keep from anywhere on C:/ that’s not in /Windows?

why dont you just reinstall…

Are you sure you want to do a wipe? There will be nothing left on that partition.

Well, of course. ;D I said I am basically wiping my drive. That translates to manually deleting everything that is not required to run Windows. I’m not formatting the drive or anything drastic like that. ;D

I don’t want to deal with reinstalling, and even if I wanted to, I don’t have the install disc. ;D