I am using AVAST HoME It is superb.I want to install a firewall.can anyone suggest me which firewall is best with avast home?
I am using AVAST HoME It is superb.I want to install a firewall.can anyone suggest me which firewall is best with avast home?
PC tools http://www.pctools.com/firewall/
Outpost http://free.agnitum.com/
This have been asked 4348times… ;D …so if you search the forum you will fiend lots of treads on the topic
Online Armor, unless you’re running 7 with a 64 bit system. Then you’ll have to wait until the middle of next year
Hi radhe,
It is kind of pointless to ask this question, because you are going to receive many different options as almost many different people posting, but if I were you, I would go to to Matousec´s site, look at the latest tests and choice from there. Good luck
Matousec is not the panacea…
About the leak tests limitations: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=29259.msg247460#msg247460
Freeware firewalls:
Of course not, but after reading thread after thread on several forums, telling the OP the virtues of their respective firewall and how bad are the competitors, I bet many of the thread starters end up much more confused than if they go to a single place like Matousec´s and start from there, don´t you think?
BTW I knew about Online Armor at matousec´s and believe me, It couldn´t be better
It’s ok for freeware.
But seems Matousec’s tests aren’t independent and this is suspicious.
I have been using PC Tools Firewall Plus which is free, showed up well in Matousec’s tests, and is running great.
There is huge list of free firewalls here
Thanks for all who replied and gave solution to my post