What happened to Avast Web Rep?

They are back in the search results in Firefox but not in Chrome. Of course it’s been a while for Chrome (nothing new). :slight_smile:

webrep has worked for a while on firefox, but now it has stopped working again. Same problem on IE and chrome

This topic I opened has generated a lot of additions from other consumers with the same problems as I posted, but no response from anyone as to any solutions. :frowning:

Where waiting just the same as you, hopefully it’ll be fixed when the new version comes out of beta.

With Avast 7.0.1466 they are back in the search results in Firefox and IE9 for me in Google and Bing search lists.
Two PC’s: Win 7 x86 and Win 7 x64, fully updated.

Fixed here for me too on the 1469 beta with IE :slight_smile:


For some reason I can only get website informer on Firefox 16. Don’t know how to get Web Rep.

I don’t know about or use Website Informer.
I don’t use many Add-on’s, and FF 16.0.1 is working for me.
I think Avast installed Web Rep while installing…just my guess.

Do you see see the Avast Web Rep add-on installed and enabled in FF ?
I tried to attach an image, but i give up :slight_smile:

When I open Avast and look at my browser settings it shows that Web Rep is enabled on IE9, Opera and Firefox. When I do a search on Yahoo it shows Traffic Light, Website Informer, McAfee Site Adviser and Safe Search but not Web Rep…

What was the problem attaching the image ?

It must be a .gif or .jpg or .png and be less than the size mentioned for a single file 194KB. Using a .gif image format is usually the smallest, crop the image so that it only shows the relevant part of the screenshot.

My Web Rep is back working again. See screenshot.

I hope it is the same for all those who have posted on this subject I opened.

Yes, it was a server side issue which has now been resolved.

This is what I get in Chrome:


WebRep is there but obviously not working.

It’s working on Opera and IE9 but still isn’t on Firefox16. It’s enabled on Firefox so shouldn’t it be working?

For me, it’s working on Google Chrome and Firefox, but not on Pale Moon or IE9.

What version of Chrome and can you post a screenshot of Webrep active.

Should the " suppress WebRep tooltips in search results" be checked? I don’t know what that means but I don’t have it checked.

I don’t know where you found it, but I would say if you want WebRep to show the results you would NOT want this checked. If you checked this that would mean you are telling it NOT to show you the little indicators that tell if the site is safe or not.

I found it in the browser protection settings and left it unchecked.

Works fine for me on IE9, Pale Moon is not supported.