Attachment included. Am I missing something or did this just disappear overnight? Why were changes made to the scan menus without it being a version upgrade? It just suddenly changed from what it was yesterday.
The quick scan has been getting phased out for a while now. It won’t be there when v17.9 stable is released. The smart scan will be the quick scan option. That’ll effect all editions (Free, internet Security and Premier).
Avast can deliver UI updates through the UI channels without any program update.
Is the smart scan virus scan not different from the quick scan? I always assumed they were because the smart scan is over in seconds but the quick scan took several minutes each time.
The problem with Smart Scan is it just doesn’t has a big enough scan scope. It just checks memory and few startup entries. And that’s it. It doesn’t touch Windows folder and user profiles or anything else. Exactly where malware usually hides. I also don’t understand the logic behind this decision quite frankly. Quick Scan and Full Scan are what EVERYONE expects to be easily accessible within interface. Who even does selective folder/file scans and USB drive scans from within antivirus? That’s what explorer right click context menu option is for, not a big button inside main interface where you need 5 iterations of clicks to even get to. Right click scan is faster and more convenient.
I often question design decisions in avast! and this is AGAIN one of them. avast! is riddled with such nonsense on all ends. Who is making these rather silly decisions? They just don’t make any sense and it’s hurting avast! more than helping it…
I completely agree selective folder/file scans and USB drive scans shouldn’t be within the anti-virus UI. The smart scan does add many components to the scan (if they are installed).
I also strongly approve.
It seems that the opinion of the users is the last problem of avast, and that it pleases the developers to make the interface much less intuitive :-
I wonder how avast manages to retain his former customers … but if he does, there is a reason … that I do not know.
and also, changing the kind of the appearance without changing the version brings much more confusion than help , I have 4 pc with same version , only one has changed this night , other no , even with manual updates and reboots.
I didn’t see that coming for today. It was a big mistake for Avast! Free Antivirus. Some of the scans under the Protection tab, such as Quick Scan and Removable media scan has disappeared for some reason. I didn’t screw up with Avast! on my computer every day. I made a custom scan called “Quick Scan” to make it even faster, but it goes very slow for today. I hope “Quick Scan” will appear soon for tomorrow.
Yes agree scans are much slower with the updated ui, that some machines have, and some don’t, which is really confusing and hard to trouble shoot with In my opinion, Why all the changes at Avast lately, and just keep the same aspects that long time customers are used to.
I’d also like an option back to change or add a scan to the main window of Avast. So instead of Smart Scan I could have Full Scan, or a custom scan there. Years ago this was possible, but then it was removed.
I wouldn’t know how. I know that you can make custom scans but don’t know where to set it up for. I just had trusted that with the Quick Scan, avast (like with other programs) had identified the most likely problem areas. I ran that often and just did a full scan on occasion or if I suspected there might be an issue.
I guess, once they fix the settings importing which has been broken for the entire year, I’ll be able to make a custom config that has Smart Scan parameters identical to Quick Scan, so it’ll at least be useful…
Most users have no IT expertise; therefore, they’ve no idea what to select in a Custom Scan to create an equivalent to Quick Scan. In addition, normal computer users want their computers to serve; they don’t want to waste their time by wondering, searching, asking questions what to select in a Custom Scan.
An easy-to-use Quick Scan should be at hand in the UI, it’s a standard.
I agree with most forum comments regarding our missing Quick Scan. I was pleased when, just a few months ago, the tech crew finally enabled Quick Scans to run automatically based on user schedules, although I was a little disappointed that the related progress indicator occasionally failed to appear, and had to be manually activated. However, I’m now baffled and nearing outrage to find that our latest Free Avast version has eliminated Quick Scans altogether. What? Why (really)? I tried the so-called Customized Scan option, but it took more than two hours to complete its assignment. The same assignment, covering the same territory, took my Quick Scan only 30 minutes or so. I like the implied thoroughness of the Customized Scan, but don’t feel it’s necessary, given alternative scanning is available for more inclusive, detailed scans. Also, one reason I’ve opted for Avast in general, and have chosen to count on its Quick Scan program in particular, is so I can start my workday quickly, and without the interruption and constant interference that otherwise occurs if my laptop is subjected to prolonged and/or in-depth scanning. The additionally recommended Smart Scan option is useless to me, since there is no scheduling mechanism, so I can’t set it to run automatically, as I could the Quick Scan program (Daily, all week, at 8:28 a.m.!). My laptop is off at night, for a much deserved rest. The corporate-established auto-scans at 2:20 a.m. (or whenever the exact, very early morning time – I didn’t look it up yet) aren’t really relevant to me.
Is there any hope? Any suggestions? Well, ever-optimistic, I’ll end my comment with this plea: Please Avast team: Bring back the Quick Scan!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh… yeah… I’m at a loss for words. You removed the option to access quick scan… and what about the existing quick scans that were scheduled on people’s computers? We no longer have an interface to stop the schedule… so the quick scan can never be removed?