Hi avast! forum! :-*
Would love to say that I was here to post that my update went well, and that things were spiff, as I usually do after I update. Alas, no.
Instead I hope you all can help me with this minor issue… ???
After having limited/no connectivity for several days, I got things working again. My avast! icon informed me that I had yet to update to the latest version, so I decided to do so at that time. After the update was supposedly finished, I was prompted to restart… so I did. That’s where my issue began.
Upon restart, my avast! did not begin as usual. What usually happens is avast! will be the first thing running in my taskbar, next would be SAS, and definitely before my internet connection has established itself, and then the last icon to appear in that tray is my ATI icon. What is happening now is that avast! is the last thing to be up and running; it even shows the little yellow triangle briefly at first… but this doesn’t happen till after SAS, ATI and my internet icons show that they are already up and running. :o
I want avast! to be the first thing up and running after every boot. This concerns me because I don’t want my computer to even connect to the internet without avast! being up and running first. I suppose I can disable my internet connection before every shutdown, and reactivate it after every restart… but I shouldn’t have to. Furthermore, with the connectivity issues I’ve been having, I would hate to complicate that issue further. :-\
What’s going on? Why is this different than it was? I would really appreciate any advice/info on the matter. Thanks in advance. ~Nom