Good Morning,
I am increasingly taking issue with the manner in which Avast comes up with prices for their various products that are vastly more in Australia than seemingly for the rest of the world. Ignoring the exchange rates for a moment consider this:
Avast Premier licences are currently advertised at US$49.99 for one year, $74.99 for two years, $99.99 for three years.
For Australia, the same program is advertised at AU$69.99 for one year, $99.99 for two years, $129.99 for three years.
Regardless of the exchange rates, there always has been an appreciable disadvantage to Australians in this respect.
Another example is the message: ‘Enhance your security with our Avast Ultimate Security Pack’. In my case it states: ‘Upgraded licence for remaining 646 days (regular price:$129.99)’. May I remind you that the rest of the world can obtain a licence for three years for US$99.99 and Australia AU$129.99. Where does the regular price of $129.99 come from in respect of 646 days? I know that this pack appears to be good value at $44.99 but I am already licensed with 646 days to go. I am supposed so save $160 as the Secure Line VPN regular price is AU$74.99!? Compare this to US$59.99. See link:
I am sorry that I felt like having a gripe but nevertheless would like to hear from other Australians what their thoughts about the pricing are.
I’ve seen Product and Service Price differences of $20 (with the same Premier version installed) in my GUI’s between the XP installation and W8.1 installation.
I don’t know what would account for that? ???
Australia is not alone … in the UK the pricing means that we are expected to pay $82.99 (£49.99) for a product that is only $49.99 (£30.11) in the USA.
The pricing structures are crazy.
Ya’ll are going to shoot me for this comment.
But really, Avast! Free does the same job excluding the FW/VPN. Really, it’s only needed to get a free one. Example Comodo FW. What’s the difference make? I’ve been malware/virus free for almost half a year now with that combo (Unless I unintentionally run samples and it goes through shared folders or something.
So, Australia is not alone. It gives me some solace but not much. I am sorry to read that the UK has a problem with the pricing as well. A couple of years ago, I had an invitation from Avast to renew my subcription for Internet Security for AS$69.99. My friend in the US had the same inviation for US$39.99. I like to know why certain countries are seemingly being homed in to for higher pricing. As regards the free Avast, I must admit that one probably can survive with a free version.
Avast is not the only company who seems to have a different pricing structure for different countries. In Australia, it is well known that we prices for DVDs, electronic goods etc for vastly higher prices than for instance in the USA.
Hi NoordZee,
This policy is not unique for av solutions, same here for US produced jeans.
There is great difference between US price and EU price.
European Court fixed these and forbids price-cuts even.
See: (article author Sally Pook).
So I think you barking up the wrong tree here.
The cause of differences in import export price are fixed somewhere else,
and you can go to jail if you sell for less.
So , you should look closer at home.
Nothing unusual there, take it up with your legislator.
it is not avast!'s doing nor even it’s re-sellers.
They are bound by other rules and regulations they cannot influence.
International price politics.