What icon is this in my system tray and what does it do?


^^^^ What’s this icon in my system tray? (magnified 300% for clarity…)

I deduced that it is clearly part of Avast because when I kill the “ashMaiSv.exe” process, the icon disappears. This leads me to beleive that it is part of the “Internet Mail” provider module. When I hover my mouse over the icon, it displays:

unknown.ord.scnet.net, unknown.ord.scnet.net, unknown.ord.sc…

I’m not familiar with this host/domain.

Right and left-clicking on this icon appears to do nothing. Is it supposed to do something?

That’s avast! mail scanner at work it means you email is being scanned…

This icon only appears when sending or recieving email and otherwise will not display on the systray. :wink:

What if it is always there?

I have mostly POP3 email accounts, but I also have 1 IMAP connection. The icon doesn’t disappear when I close my mail client (Thunderbird).

Do you have other application for emails? I mean, a pop notifier, a spam killer?
Are you using MS Outlook to download IMAP accounts?

If you use TCPView (www.sysinternals.com), do not show unconnected endpoints (on Options menu) is there any connection using ashmaisv.exe ?

Ah, that might explain it. I use PopFile to do my spam filtering. As soon as I kill Popfile, the Avast Mail Scanner icon disappears.

Thanks for the help!

This shouldn’t happen if Popfile stops checking after a timeout… Does it have this feature, a timeout?
Sometimes the pop checker application does not ‘release’ the connection and avast! stays there, running…