I’ve been getting harassed yesterday and today about this promotional ad from Avast (see screenshot below). – I saw it flash 4 times yesterday and now 3 times today. How to get rid of it? I don’t want the gift. How much longer am I going to get annoyed by this?
In the past, I used to install Avast to friends and family (I’m their techie)–especially noob elderly people so their systems can be protected. But this heavy advertisement coming from avast – which is suppose to prevent these types of malware, advertisement, and popups is now the cause of innocent people clicking on this junk. I fear the worst for the reputation of avast.
Please tell your techs to take control of this. It’s annoying to the say the least. I know that if I opt to pay for it, I will not get hassled, but you are simply annoying the crap out of the people that would help you spread the word about Avast to friends and family. At some point we are going to have to look for a better alternative.
I haven’t seen it at all on either of my systems today, I did see it on this one yesterday.
I think anyone knows what is behind the gift, so I don’t need to unwrap it, just close it it takes just a second or two. I guess I have a high tolerance for these.
I would say it isn’t the techs but marketing that are pushing this. The more you push, the greater the resistance, marketers just don’t seem to get that.
You can enable silent/gaming mode - but that brings its own issue - no alerts or interactive windows, can be a pain when the DeepScreen or Hardened mode is enabled and it blocks something. There is no interactive window to ask what to do.
I’ve been told that this promotion comes via the E-Marketing Team.
Let’s see if it’s ready to be retired or toned down.
I simply click on the little X and it’s history. Like David, I don’t even notice it.
I agree. While I very much appreciate your offer of a free welcome gift, after I’ve declined it several times, it becomes obvious that I’m not interested, for now, at least, and it just becomes an annoyance.
How much of an annoyance? This is one of the reasons I abandoned AVG. I might be interested in the future, but by that time, if the pop-ups continue, I probably will have moved on to another product.
I have seen that pop up several times today, on 3 of 5 machines in my home. Even if I click on the “x” to close it, about 2 hours later it pops up again. This is very annoying, especially considering that I have already chosen to stay with the “free” version during the installation / upgrade path.
I get it is marketing, but its very frustrating to see it returning several times a day now.