What if I meet this SLL error?

Hi forum friends,

Trying to go here to check on a URL at: -https://zeustracker.abuse.ch/ I was stopped by Google in my tracks alerting to the fact that the security certificate of the site was no longer valid after this date: 5-2-2012. Was that certificate hacked and cannot be trusted any longer for that reason or can it still be trusted?
Same with this: -https://spyeyetracker.abuse.ch/

Can someone comment? Is this info related to this issue? http://www.abuse.ch/?p=1591


always been like that for as long as i can remember…
i think it is a good way to say…if you do not know what you are doing…do not enter this site :wink:

No, as this info is from 2009. :wink:
Guess they just missed updating their cert.
You can contact them here: http://www.abuse.ch/?page_id=377

FireFox alerts as well. :slight_smile:

Wait until they update. :wink:

Hi folks,

Seems Pondus is making a valid point there. Plus with a http site you have the additional shields protection. Those that venture out there should never click links given there (live malware theater), as they know from experience where to click, paste and copy ;D .Never go to direct links anyway. Use remote scanning with ample script protection and in a VM. Site as such are more dangerous for users whose OS and third party software has not been fully updated and patched, so it is for the security savvy and those that apply safe hex. To get data search for unique identifiers. Also when you are being flagged by av make a full scan of your browser folder to quarantine certain files. Never try to click your way out of a browser, but close using CTRL+alt+del. The additional bonus for the user analysis over av analysis proceedings could lay in the fact that one does not have to reckon with the av scanning evasion techniques used by the malware,
