What IM client do you choose ?

hi guys… i want to take survey again ;D… now what im client do you choose, yahoo messenger, gtalk, windows live messenger 2011, skype, or im with multiple account like digsby, trillian, pidgin, etc… ::slight_smile:

thanx before… 8)

I’ve used Pidgin (and Trillian free).
Now I use Skype very often.

I have used MSN, Yahoo, and Paltalk. I currently don’t have any installed.

I use xfire(gaming chat program) that also logs into my msn account.

Skype and iChat

Skype and Trillian (Free).

I don’t do IM. However, I’d choose Pidgin for IM (I’ve try it and like it).

I’ve mIRC installed, but I’m using it for downloading rather than chatting.

I use Mirc with the PnP script and some things I programmed myself.

Skype for me, not that it’s my first choice but when most of your friends are on Skype that is what you use. Have to admit, lately we just talk on TeamSpeak, easier than typing plus we have our own server… ;D