what is the better anti virus? pick one

The only thing the 3 Av’s have in common, is that there freeware or have freeware versions.

Avast 4 is as good (or better) than the expensive commercials.

Proven many times. It has good detection, generic detection for trojans, heuristics, many mail plugins, fast updates, low on resources etc…

AVG & Antivir are poor products compared to Avast 4.

Although the vendors of Antivir are working at this momemt on a very strong heuristics plugin for Antivir. Could be worth checking out. But is not finished yet.
Work is done by the former coder from the now unsupported “Gladiator AV”. Wich was also a very good product with possibilities.


I’ve been testing AVG & avast! for some time now and avast! is definally the far better “overall” detector.

Only a small remark:
Why does it take weeks to add detection for non-ITW virii, worms, trojans and other malware (backdoors)? A nasty is a nasty, isn’t it? 8)

if its not going to threaten users they put it as a 2nd priority so as to keep us protected agianst the ones we WILL see :wink:

Brockey, we tested a lot of av applications…
The results talk for themselves :wink:

Do you really think you won’t see them ???

This poll… well… a bit biased I’d say – given that it’s on the official avast forum, don’t you think? :wink:

Well that’s true, which is why I voted AVG !!! Just to give an air of unbiasedness (??) !! :stuck_out_tongue:

(Yes I am only joking ! ;D )

I guess if you do NOT vote for Avast,…you get banned! ;D … only kidding

Have tried all three. As far as catching viruses, etc., they have all done this for me. However, what sets them apart is that Avast is extremely user friendly, has automatic and quite often updates, and has the best email checker by far. I found AVG and Antivir lacking in these attributes. And the other thing that makes Avast superior is its Forum. ;D

bbfi, I couldn’t put in better words than yours…
Extremelly right and sharp :wink:

Hi Technical,

Welcome back. :slight_smile:

Well, I´m not an expert, but i say Avast because, even they tree are free, and with lots of options:

AnivirPE (is the red umbrella one?) is horrible to update. Is always like reinstalling the hole program, lots of Mbytes, and not everybody has DSL/cable connections.

AVG has not this problem, but its only in english, and they dont answer mails asking for translations.

Avast is in lots of languages, and sure soon will be in much more because they answer when you ask them about that topic.

So, that´s it. As i say, i have no idea about search engines, virus databases and things like that, my criteria is based only in so simple details like the above ones ^_^U

I’m happy to find a ‘fellow’… I’m the Portuguese (Brazilian) translator of avast! :wink:

I also have tried most other virus programs and there is no better than avast. For one, it doesnt hijack your comp like others do, extremely user friendly, has always detected viruses thru tests and real life ones that I have got and so many otehr reasons. And combinbe the fact that its just plain cool, thru skins and sounds , in my opinion you just cant beat it. I even scrapped my 2 year subscription I had to Norton for avast, that is after I dug into the registry and took out nortons tenticals…

I write reviews every where I can for avast, and always promote it verbaly…

And not to forget about the forums here, the best support sight there has ever been.

Way to go guys… ;D

Datagg, wellcome! I got rid from Norton too… But are you sure you kill all the tenticals of it? ::slight_smile:
(take a look here) 8)

oh yeah i did, i build comps and stuff for a living, i know right where those kind of hijackers like to hide…

thanks bro…

You’re wellcome…
Take care, see you round. :wink:
Wellcome to forums 8)

I have tried AVG, now i am working with Avast, so far i like it.
The only issue i have is that you have to maually set up your POP mail accounts if you have more than one (1).
Most of us out here have more than one email, I am still trying to get all my email addy’s to work, hopefully i can reolve this issue.
Maybe one of the things the Avast Techies can add to the mail wizard is to have a field where you can add all of your email accouts.
anyway I like Avast so far and it has caused no inturruption to my system (XP Home).

it does add all…each account you have thru the mail wizrad… I have 12 emails accounts, all are filtered thru avast.