What is C:\$RECYCLE.BIN\... and why can't Avast find it?

I just did a quick scan on my computer and nothing was found except that


was unable to be scanned because the path couldn’t be found. Is this something I should be worried about? I googled it and found that $Recycle.Bin is the recycle bin but then what is the other random gibberish and why can’t it be found?

That appears to be a registry key that has been deleted to the recycle bin.

Have you done anything lately that would have caused this action?

Did you ever have Norton on your system, as I believe this ised to have a protected recycle bin ?

Recycler is the normal recycle bin folder name, see image and why I feel that the $recycle.bin is totally different, a special ‘file,’ one that is protected rather than a folder.

@ CharleyO
The numbers aren’t registry key entries, as prior to my little test my recycle bin was empty and on deleting two ‘files’ the entries are what resulted.

Edit: tested the deletion of a folder with a couple of files in it and this is the path E:\RECYCLER\S-1-5-21-3126928747-2492246226-67290611-1004

Ok, David … thanks for the correction. :slight_smile: