What is difference between a Pentium D and a Pentium 4?

Hi all,

Don’t know where else to ask this, but since I went to Avast, I’ve been watching this forum and people seem to be very helpful!!!

I’m looking to buy a used/refurb Tower and found a decent ones on eBay. One has a Pent D, which I’ve heard of. The clock speed is 2.8 which puts it in the P4 range. What’s the difference between the 2 chipsets?



Hello and Welcome to the Forum :wink:

That’s the kind of support and quality you get with Avast.

Now about your question and I don’t know the reason why but from experience I have noticed that the pentium D is much slower even thought mine is a 3.0 Ghz.

Hope this Helps


The Pentium 4 is actually TWO Pentium D processors.
1 chip containing 2 processors.
This might help:

Actually the one I tried was single core and I didn’t like it. :frowning:


Actually bob has it backwards. The Pentium D is two Pentium 4 chips glued together on a single chip (dual core) so it will be much faster on multi-threaded applications and anytime you have more than one program open at once

So…would the P D be better in a work environment (where you typically have multiple programs running) and a p4 be better in a home environment…where the kids are gaming, surfing etc but usually only one application at a time?

Is the P D dual core better when you’re running programs in the background like Avast, Spysweeper, Net Magic etc??

Will I really see a difference??? Considering I’m in a 1.5 P4 now and the other PC in the house is a 3200 series AMD at 2.2 (I think)?

The Pentium D would speed up some of your tasks at home too. In fact most new computers today have dual core processors

Dual Core is always a better choice, a powerful solo processor can’t multi task as well as a weaker dual core. If it were me I would go for the dual core system.

…yes, however don’t even think of getting P4 or P4 D CPU. NetBurst microarchitecture is awful.
Core 2 Duo is the only way to go.

You’re right, but for those who are cash strapped…The pentium D isn’t a bad option.

Cash strapped…you nailed it!!! THe kids are growing up and I need a 3rd PC (Tower only) to keep my sanity!!! I’m a <2 year cancer survivor, and the doctors and hospital are still getting my money (poor insurance :-[)

Whatever I buy I will turn into the “the parents PC”, and the one I’m on now gets handed down. Never heard of a hand me down computer now that I thnk of it!!! Poor kids…

The Pentium D is a good option for a budget system. Also if you wind a Core Duo system you may want to grab it.

E4300 is cheap and offers plenty of performance. Even at stock speeds. And you can always overclock it…