I am downloading a large game right now and the data seems to be small files, one after another. Both my Avast Web and Network shields are ticking down as a gas pump cents digits do. So it seems both are checking the same files as each other.
No problems and I am just curious: Are the two redundant or does each do something different from the other? If different, what are each supposed to check/shield?
Have you checked the help file? ???
File System Shield — Real-time protection against viruses and other malware threats. Scans files as they run on your computer to keep viruses from being able to execute.
Mail Shield — Scans messages and attachments in E-mail/Microsoft Outlook/Exchange for viruses.
Web Shield — HTTP protection (local transparent proxy). Version 4.8 also allows the blocking of URLs. Scans URLs and incoming data for viruses, and aborts connections to the site if one is found.
P2P Shield — Scans P2P files from file share programs.
IM Shield — Instant Messaging protection. (Scanning of files transferred through instant messaging applications)
Script Shield — Scans webpages for malicious scripts, and disables them from infecting your computer, though they can still be used (for example, a clickable button.)
Network Shield — Basic protection against well-known network worms. Acts as an Intrusion Detection System.
Behavior Shield — Reports suspicious behavior by analyzing the behavior of programs
Thanks, but I had seen those before and was confused because based on those definitions of the two shields, I would not think both would be checking very single file of the game download, as what I saw would imply both were doing. It was like a 12 gigabyte download with 1000s of files and both shields were counting as rapidly as the two cents digits on a gasoline pump.
difference is web shield is more “complete” it does everything network shield does & more (and also has heuristics)
so u can just keep web shield up & disable network shield to save resources, same protection & less hassle thats what I do 8)
I would advise to “not” disable the network shield.
The network and web shields do “not” necessarily do the same thing.
I refer you to the reply that Pondus made in #2. 
Each shield you disable or don’t install means less protection. 
yup I’d also advise to read reply #2. it’s a copy-paste that gives just about…zero useful info ^^ cant get any more vague then that. lol
web shield is like a “network-shield-plus”. it gives real protection & does all that network shield does, only better
btw network shield only detects known worms (so any 0-day worm makes that shield useless. and there’s many more unknown then known threats out there)
web shield detects both known & unknown worms
also check this:
notice the 2 buttons on the right. notice there’s 1 button missing ^^