All of a sudden today I am getting the error as follows:
Process: I:\Program Files\Avant Browser\webkit\ch…
Infection: URL:Mal
It makes no difference what browser I use, I get this error. in this case it is Avant. Normally I use Firefox and if I have to, IE. All are the current versions. I am using Avast Internet Security version 8.0.1483. The virus database is 130428-0. What is this “malware”? And how do I get rid of it. The scans find nothing.
Network Shield is flagging this site, see attached:
Scanning the main website brings up an XML file without normal web content: Unable to properly scan the site, zulu did not complete the scan as no Web Server has been found yet. Could be avast! is flagging the site as a whole because of this issue.
As the NShield blocked the two connection attempts, there likely is nothing to clean up. Suggestion: Since you use AIS, use the sandbox function for whatever browser you are running atm. If you were indeed using the Sandbox to run your browsers (smart), then go to Tools>Sandbox>Maintenance within the avast! program and clear the sandbox out. If you do not see the warnings again, you should be good to go.