What is happening on the GoogleChrome browser front?

Hi malware fighters,

Did you test GChrome and then found that it was not the browser you thought it was, and uninstalled it.
Some geeks kept it because it is good for viewing and handling specific Google Applications in. Cookie handling in GoogleChrome is hopeless (all or nothing, and not workable), privacy adjustments not on a per page basis, and a long litany about how the user cannot tweak this browser in any way to do his or her bidding
But they are still working at it: http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=4

GChrome has some innovative features, and is a browser to use next to …
Still I wonder what user the developers had in mind to use this browser?


I still use it for it’s speed and ease of use when I’m at websites I know I can trust. :slight_smile:
It’s however no longer my default browser. :cry:

I use it on my real old 500MHZ PIII and it works fine.

I prefer IE8 beta2 though as that’s the browser I’m familiar with.

I tried it, didn’t like it and got rid of it.

@ YoKenny, I’ve been wanting to try IE8 but haven’t yet. How is it, any major problems?

No major problems just that clicking on the up arrow does not go up and Page Up and Page Down don’t work unless I move the slider on the right.

Thanks for the info.