what is Krab M4 malware?

my friends been sending me whatsapp`s crying that Krab has attacked him …so i wanted to now if yo were aawareof it …we are at Botswana

Well if you have been getting the various toaster popups you may have seen this one from Avast, see attached.

The problem with malware names, there is no standard naming convention (or spelling) and will differ from one AV company to the next.

Try a google search on Malware Krab or GandCrab and that should give you an idea.

Hi Pako7,

Be cautious not to click on suspicious (infested) links coming in e-mails.
In a browser you’d better block infected ads, so use an adblocker like uBlock Origin to block all ads.

Amercan goverment recenly was being hit by GrandCrab ransomeware,
a malware that everyone is better off without,

Greetings to Botswana from near Rotterdam, Holland, Europe, now 33 degrees Celsius,


If you have this version (older) free decrypter: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/free-decrypter-available-for-gandcrab-ransomware-victims/

bleepingcomputer is a good source of information regarding the latest malware: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/


thank you guys wont click on any links and block ad`s thank you

when one has already been attacked by Grab/Krab what do i do??

one has to follow the malware cleaning log??

If you had already been attacked/infected by ransomware, you are going to know about it as you would have had the ransom demand. Though there are some doing the rounds in emails saying you have been a naughty boy and should pay up to keep your secret.

The best form of defence is a robust backup and recovery strategy, in the form of hard drive imaging software so you can recover to an earlier date.

The topic Logs to assist in cleaning malware is just a starting point.