What is R.S.EXE.EXE?

While scanning, avast found one infected file called R.S.EXE.EXE that file is in windows systems folder c: windows\system32\shellext\R.S.EXE.EXE{UPX}

I moved that to chest. I should have used repair first? Then what should I do? I appreciated any help! Thanks…Rose ???

I am sorry that I posted it in a wrong place… :-[

Most probably it wouldn’t be necessary. This file is indeed a malware.
But, in the future, to be safe, try to repair before :slight_smile:

When? After sending the file to Chest?
Wait some days, scan the file again to check if it is still detected as being a virus.
Then delete it…
Oh, Chest is safe, you can let the files there and they won’t be able to ‘escape’ from there and infect your computer.