What is the avast! taskbar icon supposed to look like?

Hello, yesterday I noticed that my on my dad’s laptop running avast! Free the taskbar icon in Windows 7 looks like the avast X-like logo (i.e., the one on this page next to avast! Forum), while on mine for avast! IS the taskbar icon looks similar to the system tray icon. Which one is normal?

Mine is just the standard “round ball” icon.

lol… wtf…

Start > Control Panel > Taskbar and Start Menu > One of you has “Use small icons” checked and the other doesnt

Like this.

He’s asking about the taskbar

Yes, but there is the icon that is placed in the taskbar as a system icon, and the icon that is placed in the task bar as a short cut.

The system icon is the one that spins and changes colour when something is being scanned, and when right clicked on, shows a an Avast menu as per the attached screen shot.
If this icon is not being shown (in Windows 7) click on the show hidden icons, then customize, and set the Avast iconright to Show icon and notifications.

The form of the icon placed on the task bar as a short cut will depend on the “use small icons” setting for the task bar & start menu as shown in the jpgs from dprout69.

My system tray icon looks like yours. My taskbar icon is round but not in the flat art style, I.e., it looks like a sphere like icon on the tab thumbnail for this webpage. My dad’s taskbar looked like the x-logo

(apparently if you use small icons and show taskbar labels, the taskbar icon and systray icons are identical, without labels the task bar icon looks spherical as in the image I have attached)
(P.S., yes I do have OCD)

My system tray icon also appears. Taskbar icon Farm is all around, but the picture is flat, ie, it seems that the Environment as a symbol of the icon on the web page. The father taskbar looks like the logo-x