If the question appears and you are using ZoneAlarm Free you should click NO, because privacy features are not present in ZoneAlarm Free this will not turn off webshield transparent mode proxy.
Use a text editor and edit the avast4.ini file, the default installation location is C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast4.ini (I would advise you copy avast4.ini before editing it, just in case).
Locate the line containing ZoneAlarmCompatibility= and delete that line or, if you want to keep this line, set it to 0. Save the edited avast4.ini file.
If you are using ZoneAlarm Pro and Privacy Control in ZoneAlarm is set to High and if you click YES in avast comptability dialog box the transparent mode proxy in webshield will be turned off you have to manually configure browser to access internet. To manually configure your browser watch instructional video. In this case, the value ZoneAlarmCompatibility=1 should be at avast4.ini file.
I guess I’m lucky as I’ve never had a problem with the Privacy Control in ZA free nor ZA Pro. Never disabled it. ZA has always “played nice” with avast! for me.
Besides there is no privacy control in ZA free. ??? No need for:
Use a text editor and edit the avast4.ini file, the default installation location is C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast4\DATA\avast4.ini (I would advise you copy avast4.ini before editing it, just in case).
Locate the line containing ZoneAlarmCompatibility= and delete that line or, if you want to keep this line, set it to 0. Save the edited avast4.ini file.
This is a very informative discussion for us novices who have never used a firewall.
Since I’m using AvastHomeAV, I am wondering if there is an estimated time frame for Avast4.8final verison with the antispyware and antirootkit, and also when one might expect the Avast Firewall to be at the final version for the general public.
Don’t wait for the avast! firewall! A firewall is really a necessity, any fw is better than none.
Being as ZA free is easy to use & free there is no excuse not to try it. If you don’t want ZA free, there are several other free fw’s to try. PC Tools fw, Kerio, Outpost free, etc. I’m not pushing any fw on you, it’s your choice.
I do a lot of volunteer refurb work for “Alternatives for the Older Adult”, a local not-for-profit that distributes used computers to folks who have never used a computer before. All are novices obviously.
My recommendations:
Win98 use Outpost Firewall Free 1.0 (Not many others will work)
WinXP (novice) use PC Tools Firewall Plus
WinXP (advanced) use Comodo Firewall Pro 2.4
We all seem to have our own favorites here and comfort level is a big factor in our choices.
The connection type is not that relevant here.
If they’re compatible with Win2000 (check their websites), I suggest Comodo, then PCTools, then ZoneAlarm free.
Well you mistake me. When i talk about leaks I’m talking about outbound leaks which is what most “tests” are for. Inbound leaks are in fact a great threat, but very difficult to test for without expertise.
If something got through a "fw leak", WinPatrol would probably warn of it or it's start up & my AS and/or AV would take care of it. That is what they're for.
I would not be too sure. WinPatrol is not bad, but against targetted attacks that target weaknesses against firewall, no doubt Winpatrol would not stand up.
It would be very hard for anything to get thru Opera.
Only because no one bothers too. I seriously doubt opera is any safer than any browser out there.
The first major version of IE in over 4 years of stagnation. Large portion of this program have been significantly rework. Microsoft dubbed it as the "most secure" version of Internet Explorer to date.
CENZIC APPLICATION SECURITY TRENDS REPORT – Q4, 2007, Internet Explorer has the smallest vulnerabilities by a 22% margin compared to Firefox. Surprised?
According to Secunia.com, all Opera vulnerabilities have been patched, while both Mozilla and Microsoft have not patched all the vulnerabilities in their products.
Well, I don’t think that’s true. We all know that both MS and Mozilla are working hard on those patches… MS is little slower than it should be though. But the fact is that none of those browsers is completely safe, not even Opera like many would say. Bottom line, they all need patches… means, they all have holes. So saying that Opera or Firefox or IE for that matter is safest of all, is nothing but nonsense.
Comment #2 by Phil on 2008-03-06, 22:31 GMT
I have personal experienced far fewer problems since switching to Opera than I had when i used IE. I must admit, though, that Opera is a little faster, takes less room on my desktop, has more intuitive interface options, and has a much nicer tab system than IE. Of course, I think in the end it comes down to personal preference. [b]After all, regardless of how many vulnerabilities you fix, there will always be new ones. That's the problem with security. Nothing is completely safe. Keep your scanners updated and running.[/b]
The best fw is subjective, what’s good for one may not be good for another. A person who has never used a fw may be better off with an easy to use fw like ZoneAlarm. The advanced user may like Outpost Pro, while the average user may prefer PC Tools Firewall Plus.