using free here, since this is my private pc. no probs with it.
have also experienced the pro version on a couple of other sytems runs well.
i, at this point of development, wont use the avast fw for myself right now.
i need greater flexibility, but thats only my point of view…
Well if you want a very good security avast Internet Security is recommended
If you want only avast with no firewall then the pro version will be the best for you
If you don’t have any money like me then you can use the free version with other programs for protection
Avast Free has:
Same update as Pro and Internet Security
Same (IM shield,Network shield,Web shield,file system shield,mail shield,P2P shield and behaviour shield)
Avast Pro has:
Virtualisation something…
Script Shield
Faster Update
Avast Internet Security:
Has a firewall which protects you from Identity theft
Also antispam
Up to you which one you want and which one suits the best for your computer at home/office
The software combination in a Suite is designed not to conflict with each other, which is a good thing for the noob and average user. I have tried using different 3rd party firewalls in the past, but run into problems after three days. There is more to know about 3rd party firewalls than most average users even realize.
In my opinion, for an average user Online Armor is easier to use than for example Comodo ( both are great products ). Maybe this Dutch Online Armor support page can be of any help :
There is another aspect of mixing AV and FW products which could
potentially leave a user vulnerable - at least theoretically.
Security solution providers do not always agree whether a certain
protection component should be part of an AV or part of a FW. So
that protection mechanism may be part of either the AV or the FW.
If a wrong choice is made, the user could be left without that
Hypothetical case:
Protection feature “X” is deemed to be part of an AV by Product “A”.
The same feature “X” is deemed to be part of a FW by Product “B”.
Product “A” offers an AV and a free-standing FW (sans “X”).
Product “B” offers an AV (sans “X”) and a Security Suite with FW.
Choosing either Product “A” or “B” as a complete AV/FW package
gives the user the protection of feature “X”.
But if a user chooses to install the Product “A” FW and the Product
“B” AV, they will lack feature “X” protection.
Moral: Check the included features lists carefully when mixing
security products from different providers.
i agree. if u talk bout the 3.x version of comodo. the new 4.x is much easier 2 use 4 unexpirienced users, but i wouldn’t use it right now, there r still some bugs (sandboxing feature), as this version is rather new.
i think best 4:
experienced users: comodo (best flexibility if u know what u do - can even block itself )
average users: online armor (it’s a really good fw, but not that flexible)
unexperienced users: system integrated fw (don’t have 2 think about it)
but, as stated in my last post - don’t use comodo 4 with the sandbox feature (partly insecures ur sys). they’re just trying to get the bugs fixed, so maybe later. if u urgently need sandboxing, u can use sandboxie.
btw: @rednose: didn’t fully get your ABX explanation, bit confusing…