What is the best!

Finding an top quality AV is really dependent on which one,and there are many,sits on your computer without conflicting with other programs.
I have tried many and Avast free is the only one that dosn’t cause problems.
Firewalls are a real pain.I have tried just about all of them,Free and Paid for.
Comodo used to be great but recently they have been more interested in adding more Bells an Whistles rather than attending to problems.
I discarded it some months ago
I have found that the Windows Firewall is the only one that dosn’t screw my system.The Firewall in Windows 7 is two way.
Even on my XP computer I have found that the Windows one way firewall is good enough.i do have an additional firewall in my router.
So i think the answer is try everything until you find the the software that works perfectly on your system.

So i think the answer is try everything until you find the the software that works perfectly on your system

you must find the combination that fit in to your system :smiley: :wink:
you got the best answer in searching security software :smiley: ;D

well spoken, absolutely agree!
nevertheless there are!! some people out there, who can tell u what’s best 4 your system/needs/knowledge as the tend 2 keep up 2 date, which is hard enough… :wink:

Well, apologies if it wasn’t clear enough. Let me try one more example.
Consider these hypothetical products:

Brand “Y” AV includes anti-spam/phishing.
Brand “Y” FW does NOT include anti-spam/phishing.

Brand “Z” AV does NOT include anti-spam/phishing.
Brand “Z” FW includes anti-spam/phishing.

If you install Brand “Y” AV & FW you have protection
against spam/phishing.

Similarly, if you install Brand “Z” AV & FW you have
protection against spam/phishing.

If you install Brand “Y” AV & Brand “Z” FW, you will
have double protection against spam/phishing.

But if you chose to install Brand “Y” FW and Brand “Z” AV,
you would NOT have any anti-spam/phishing protection.

So there is a (at least theoretical) risk that you may
be missing some protection if care isn’t exercised when
combining AV and FW from different providers.

please don’t apologize!
i know it’s not always that easy to explain things.
thanks 4 setting it clear. :slight_smile:

Wait is sandboxie free O.O?

afaik: yes… :smiley:

My experience here is limited, but this should give you basic idea.

sandboxie free is a stand-alone sandbox program. It can work independent of yr other protections just like like avast can work as an antivirus on its own.

However, I haven’t tried sandboxie yet, so no idea how it works. I would guess that you would put a program in the sandbox and you would run it in there, say Internet Explorer or Facebook, which is good example, you open the sandbox, then look for yr Facebook link and open it inside the sandbox (I guess).

here’s how avast sandbox works –
The virtualisation thing in Pro (and in Security Suite) is the avast sandbox feature, Shiw Liang. It’s quite simple to use from what I can work out - you open Process Virtualisation and scroll to the bottom of the page to Run a virtualized process… You click this and Explore will open so that you can navigate to the program or app that you want, and then you simply open that.

The program or app will open inside a special window with a red border - inside a sandbox.
Ultimately, the sandbox protects yr web resources - the browser and the plugins. That are not so easily protected at desktop level. In turn yr desktop becomes yet further removed from potential infection zones.

i had tride Online Armor but my system got a bit slower , now i am using PC Tools Firewall and my system works bit faster. Is Pc Tools Firewall also a good Firewall then???

It is considered to be in the top four or five firewalls.
A good choice if it does not screw up you computer.

What top five do you mean then? And how does that top five look like then?? i hope for a anwser back


Look here under Firewalls

Look under Security first then Firewalls

true true true.
took me bout 6 hours. but at least i’ve not 2 depend on any, rather seldom good working, sandboxing feature - exept sandboxie, imo.

yes it is a quite good fw, not on top 4 me, but works well.

Ok i’ve installed commodo 4 on my system and it works great it is very easy in use and doesn’t slow down my system. But what are the best confrugations for Commodo then too be save and where can i test my firewall that it is save??

You would be well advised to ask your question on the Comodo Forum.
They are very helpful



there’s also a forum in dutch on their site, if u prefer… :slight_smile:


The choice of software is up to you. As for me, I like the layered approach rather than using a suite. I use Avast! Free, but could eventually get Pro, Outpost FW, MBAM real time, SAS on demand, and SpywareBlaster.