What is the most recent Version 7 as right now?

I have a current version 120226-4 for engine and virus definitions and a current version 7.0.1407 for update program. Do you all?


Program version - 7.0.1407

Most recent def update.

Thank you for that link. Looks like 120227-0 is the recent one. It won’t go pass to update because it kept initializing. Guess will have to wait for the program/tool that will be out to fix this later today.

The latest virus definitions version is 120227-0 and program 7.0.1407. If you haven’t tried a manual virus definitions update don’t, if you have you may need to wait a little while:

There was problem with a corrupt definitions update, they are working on it and a fix to resolve the inability to update.

See http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=94454.msg752250#msg752250 and reply #11 below it.

Ok, thank you.