what is this file vps_32-95e.vpx ?

I noticed that i had downloaded the vps_32-95e.vpx file update when updating signatures

i wanted to know what is this file and what is it for

thanks you

can avast team answer this for me Ive been waiting days

Possible emergency update? had this yesterday. Was problems with update servers

from the name i guess it is a virus signature update

i downloaded it on the 19 th but now it changed again today now it named vps_32-960.vpx it size is 88.6Mb
it is in the setup folder
i was just curious what this file was


That looks like a full VPS package and not the daily update. Did Avast download that by itself ?

on the 19th i noticed it when i was updating sigs it took a while today i did not notice

so i guest it the full signatures package before unpacked

correct me if i’m wrong

That is unusual as the VPS is normally a matter of Kbytes

can you find out what the file is for me then reply

[General] Latest_mirror_version= Files=736
It was one of the standalone virus data base updates.

This is the latest available today

so if i understand correctly its the whole virus database in a a packed state

Yep that is why it was so large, although why Avast downloaded it I have no idea

thank you so much

It might be worth doing a repair if it continues to do this as Avast appears to be under the impression it is way out of date

it not out of date i have it all updated i update it every day