Hi malware fighters,
Trying to submit on a webforum (NoScript forum) I am (mal?_redirected on XP SP3 Safe XP normal user rights only to: hxtp://evil.hackademix.net/images/stallowned.jpg
How is this performed? The endresult is the picture in the middle found in this ste:
Has it to do with this:
UTorrent + CSRF = STALLOWN3D!1
Ouch. I’m going to have to agree with Billy Rios on this one, I’ve also never CSRF used to own a box. Each week CSRF attacks are sure to get worse with all the interest on the subject. CSRF issues are everywhere, easy to pull off, and powerful because everything is web-enabled. Check out Rob Carter’s clever 3-step process:
- Turn on move completed downloads
- Change the path to where downloads are placed, line windows start up.
- Force the download of a attacker controlled batch file
wait for reboot.
Clever stuff! Be mindful of your plugins boys and girls,