What Is Win32:Vibpack ??

In the past few days, Avast (Home Edition) has been popping up with a warning about a virus which it calls Win32:Vibpack [WRM].

It associates it with either the Winupdate folder or with the XP System Restore.

All my attempts to locate anything like “Win32 Vibpack” have come up empty. Could this possibly be a “false positive” caused by a virus-like string in one of those files ?

And yes, I have run all the pertinent virus and spyware scans.

Any help, advice and assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Many Thanks!

Disable system restore, reboot and see if the problem is solved.
If not let us know the file and its location that is being deteced as infected.

Thanks for your reply and my apologies for the delay in replying to you.

Actually, in reading some of the other strings which deal with persistent worms, I noticed a few people suggested stopping and re-starting the XP System Restore along with a reboot.

So I followed your advice but had to run out and have only just now returned home. I will run all my virus & spyware scans again and let you know the outcome.

Thanks again for replying so quickly with helpful advice.

I received this same virus notice while running Avast as well. Avast found at least 40 files infected with “Win32 Vibpack.” I located the files after searching in c:\DocumentsandSettings"myprofile"\Complete. The “complete” folder was hidden and contained approximately 40 zip files that I had never seen before and shouldn’t have been on this computer. They were all programs/video files and all infected with “Win32 Vibpack.” Any suggestions? I moved them to the quarantine, but I would like to know how they got on my computer to begin with. Thanks.

Howdy you Oldmilwaukee,

See this thread for a solution to your problem:



I just found this pest of a virus or really it’s probably a worm - win32:vibpace

Anyway, I’m not a NOVICE when it comes to computers, but I did everything thus far that I think I could do.

I run my own business and I am afraid to continue my work because I design websites and such, and I can’t take the risk of my clients getting this crap because my computer is infected.

Could anybody give me some tips on any software out there that can remove this thing?

Thanks much,


Look at the malware removal section in THIS SITE