Bitdefender’s TrafficLight alerts that site contains malware and is right i.m.o.: -
urlQuery gives it as safe:
Sucuri comes up with: Unable to properly scan your site. Site returning error (40x): HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Redirects to Dean Edwards’ embedded packer code: - (go tho this link only if enough security savvy, with ample script protection and in a virtual environment)
See what is happening here malcode-wise…
[decodingLevel=1] found JavaScript
error: line:3: SyntaxError: invalid flag after regular expression:
error: line:3: }).filter(function(){return!this.disabled&&(this.checked||/select|textarea/i.test(this.nodeName)||/text|hidden|password/i.test(this.type))}).map(function(i,c){var b=E(this).val();return b==null?null:b.constructor==Array?,function(a,i){r
error: line:3: ^
error: line:22: SyntaxError: XML tag name mismatch (expected br):
error: line:22: =“Dga3iv10b48W”>close x