What Is Your Security Setup?

Would this be a good idea for a permanent thread? A lot of other forums have it, hopefully most posters would be using Avast, anyone asking about what software would work well with Avast could use this thread instead of making a new one. Plus it would give anyone new to Avast some ideas what to use in conjunction with Avast as well as some security help. So I’ll post my configuration, mods, if this has been tried before or is a bad idea just please delete.

Avast 8 free
Malwarebytes Pro
Win Patrol Plus
Hitman Pro Alert
Windows firewall
Browser Extensions - LastPass, Bit Defender Trafficlight, Do Not Track Me, AdBlock Plus.

Most of us have our setups all displayed in our signatures.

Here mind see below :wink:

Mine also

PS.: Avast has AdBlock Plus(it’s called avast AdBlocker) so you don’t have to use adblock along with avast. :wink:

I find it a little ironic that the free version of avast! is listed as the main part of the protection
yet money is spent on additional software like Malwarebytes and Win Patrol and, Hitman Pro.
(Just a personal observation)

AIS and nothing else, it is all I need

On my part. The paid programs I have have been given for free or in special offers that the price have been cut in 1/2 or less, much less. Check WindPatrol offer this week. I also own an AIS license, given to me by a friend, but I rather have Avast! Free running so I can have a layered protection adding other programs I particularly like.

My setup my sig.

Most systems run only Avast free here on my work place and at home its avast + MBAM Pro and pretty much same for my clients ;D

I am running and testing a different AV right now on my own system :slight_smile:

On my friends smartphones its avast all the way :smiley:

Avast Internet Security (AIS)
CounterSpy (CS)
SpywareBlaster (SB)
NoScript (NS)

See below. 8)

See Signature.

See Signature. :smiley:

Avast free
Comodo firewall with defense + version 5
Disk imaging

See sig.

Check my sig below

I agree.

I find it a little ironic that the free version of avast! is listed as the main part of the protection
yet money is spent on additional software like Malwarebytes and Win Patrol and, Hitman Pro.
(Just a personal observation)

Win Patrol was bought on a deal for 99 cents.
Its Hitmanpro Alert which is free, not Hitman Pro, there is a difference.
Malwarebytes is $25.00 for a lifetime license and is one of, if not the best, add on to go with most anti virus programs.

All the experts say that a layered approach to security is best, that what I have Bob.

See my Sig. below.

Well I don’t see anything wrong with using free products where you can find them. I have never found that a paid for AV has been particularly better than that specific companies free version and if it is…they sure are not saying. The paid for versions sometimes have a few better extras that might go along with it but the detection rate is the same. Anyway, security is security in my opinion.

Avast Free
Comodo F/W
CyberGhost VPN (when I feel like using it)

Total cost… 0.00

We must have gotten the same bargain on WinPatrol - I bought 20 licenses to use as prizes.
Malwarebytes also has an occasional sale.
You’re correct on layered protection. It’s worked for me for many years.

I’m sure you paid something for MBAM Pro so the cost can’t be $0.00 :slight_smile: