what kind of good HIPS program u guys recomend except comodo defense+

hey want to download a new HIPS program but i have some trouble finding would u guys like recomend 1 to me except comodo defense+


If you’re not using AIS, you can get Online Armour firewall.
I know there are differences between behavior blockers and HIPS… but maybe WinPatrol could help you at easy.
ThreatFire is another possibility.

o ok thnx but one question on online armor after letting it recognize all the files new files that are downloaded by the user, online armor will deny it do u noe how to solve this problem

You may want to try out DefenseWall

hmmmmmm but u have to pay for defense wall?

Hi akama1,

Also you could go for an in the cloud solution like Immunet Protect, you have the bundled security of some 100.000 + users against 12.000.000 threats and all that lands onto your machine is checked against this in real time plus a scan of all active system files and active processes, get here: http://www.immunet.com/versions


have that already i noe its awesome

no. ;D (sry all…!)


yup i am exactly looking for free and good ones thnx all of u for giving the info i think i will go for online armor and does anyone saw avast heuristics detection before?

i saw it in the corner, yesterday… :wink:
…wait… it’s moving now… OHHH NOOOooo…

really? how did it look like? dont need to upload a pic on it just describe

Not quite sure what you are asking, but as to any new items not already “Allowed” and/or “Trusted” OA will provide a pop-up asking you how you want OA to accept or block the new app/file.

For detail info/Help see the OA Online Help at:

If you still have questions on OA free, visit OA free support forum:

Been using OA firewall since its first release on three Win XP SP3 systems.

As to free HIPS apps see:

To each his own, personally due some of Comodo’s privacy issues, and as long as Comodo issues certificates to known malware sites >:(, I will never install a Comodo app on any my systems:

sry, didn’t want 2 talk bout the c-thing, anymore… :frowning:
just some last words…
i know it’s not perfect, i also know it’s rather talkative. i can handle these issues.
i know the pros and cons. till now, it fullfills my needs. but only 2gether with avast.
thats’s all folks… :smiley:

Asyn, let me ask a favor. Stop using MSN talking and abbreviations. 2 for to, 4 instead of for… It’s not the common language in these forums.

and please Asyn dont flood the forum with useless replies,do good or dont reply at all,every where i go i see your small in size and meaning comments :-\ :-
please i dont want to ware glasses coz of you and i dont want to run away from here

well, it shortens things a bit, but i will try my best!
just -for- you. :slight_smile:

You could try GeSWall. My friend is using it and it works great. I’m just waiting for version 3 which has 64 bit support.


geswall say? does it support firefox? i do not really know how it works