What on earth does this mean?? RESOLVED

Windows JUST NOW said: SYSTEM ERROR! There’s an IP conflict with another system.

Would you please explain what it means?? Did I get hacked?? Please explain D:

Another Computer/Device on your network has/had the same IP Address as the computer you are on. Try rebooting your computer, it will request a new address from your DHCP Server (likely your router) once it reboots. If you have any Static IP addresses assigned on your network make sure they are not in the same range that you are using for DHCP

I wouldn’t have the slightest idea of where to begin, there is simply insufficient information in the error to even hazard a guess.

All I can suggest is your friend google and try to tie up what you were doing at the time of the error, http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=SYSTEM+ERROR!+There+Is+an+IP+conflict+with+another+system. As you can see more hits than you can shake a stick at.

Try the first few as it seems that someone on your home network has the same IP address and that means the network wouldn’t know where to send data to with the same IP address. Of course that goes out the window if you don’t have a home network with two or more computers on it.

As Mac suggest, reboot should resolve this if you have a home network an IP address would be reassigned on restart. If you have lots of computers/devices on the network you may have to restart them all.

Thank you, will try ^^

You’re welcome.