What port does Avast use to update?


Does anyone know what port Avast Home uses to auto-update itself?

Thanks kindly for your reply, SFT

Only the standard HTTP port, i.e. 80.

Hi Vlk,

Thanks for the reply, I’m using CyberSitter to protect my kids but it is blocking Avast Home from auto-updating. Not sure what to do about this.

I can’t find a setting in Cybersitter other than Port allowance to rectify this. If I allow port 80 than my kids won’t be protected when they browse the Web.

Any Suggestions? Again, thanks!

I could be wrong - won’t be the first time - but if you not allow the HTTP port (80) your kinds won’t be able to be at Internet as this port is necessary to do so ::slight_smile:

Technical this program filters traffic through port 80 not block it

I know, but gowhereangelsfear2 said allow not filter. Like a ‘firewall’… :-[

I sure appreciate the responses!

The bottomline is that Cybersitter is preventing Avast Home from auto-updating, when I disable Cybersitter, Avast updates just fine.

So I need to try to fix this, otherwise I am sure to forget the manual update process I’m doing now and wind up with a virus.

Thanks so much, regards, Sher