What Program was used for Virtual Voice?

Hi there, i was wondering what inital program was used to record the virtual voice in avast, for instance, when there has been an update to the virus data base?

any help on this would be greatly appriciated! i have been looking around for a coherant robot voice synthesiser for ages now :P.


Eh eh… only Alwil could answer this… I pass… don’t know the answer ::slight_smile:

Possibly naively following the Occam’s razor principle, I thought it was a recorded human voice! ???

I think it is a recorded human voice.

hmm you know what, you guys could be correct, i only just noticed that it spoke this morning, and posted this before rushing out the door for work…

i went searching for the files and could only find malfound, suspic.wav ect. and had a listen to thoes… its hard to tell the difference… could just be a filter over the top of the voice… but what makes me think it was a program is the gaps between the words dont seem natural… ???

on further listening it does sound preety natural actually… hmm well im stumped :stuck_out_tongue:

If you mean Text-to-Speech, look it up on Google.

I have Audacity, a free open-source audio editing software licenced under GNU.