what programming language does Avalanche Email bomber written in?


Hi redsanzz,

We are not going to answer on details of misuse. In some countries if you use a program like this, this can land you in jail for 5 to 10 years, because of the Computer Misuse Act.
We are a forum for detection and removal of malcreations, not about how to resource engineer malcode. Stay away of these programs and do not put questions like that here or the mods have to hand out a warning to you. See what could happen to you if you use such a program under British law: http://news.cnet.com/Teenage-e-mail-bomber-heads-back-to-court/2100-7348_3-6071227.html link article author David Meyer.
The removal of a email bomber program like Avalanche goes according the same line as normal software programs can be uninstalled.


Not to mention that this is the avast support forum and not a chat site, for research use your friend google.