What programs should I add to the 'Exclusions' list?

Hi ya,

When I right-click on the Avast! tray icon and go to ‘Program Settings’ there is an ‘Exclusions’ option that is completely empty.

Should I add things like Thunderbird and Firefox to speed up their load times?

Should I add anything at all?

I would be grateful for any advice :slight_smile:

John Latter / Jorolat

Hi Jorolat!

No, you needn’t/shouldn’t put anything on the exclusion list…

The exclusion list is mainly there to solve problems with false positive detections…


Okey-doke, onlysomeone, thank you!


No. That settings are for on-demand scannings. You shouldn’t make any exception or you will decrease your protection level.

OK - I won’t touch a thing :slight_smile:

And, thank you!

John Latter / Jorolat

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