What´s this problem?

Our organization starts recruiting employees willing to take part in
well-paying research studies conducted by leading online businesses.
Your opinion as a consumer is important for the success and profitability of
many business ventures.

You can earn very well for participating in on-line surveys, focus group
discussions, and product/service evaluations.

If you want to become one of our highly valued survey takers, please write
back to 14290padaleckitracy@gmail.com and I will send you more information.

Please excuse us if this email is unwanted for you and we have disturbed you in some way, but this is a serious and sincere enquiry.


Ann Stevenson
Assistant HR

–avst Atiirs:Mesae ntane imio
as d dto d Vru (PS: 80181,1805208Coprbao l:1805208 8:0:2avst -coyrgh () 98-208ALILSotwre

Here is a spam mail i received. At the end you can see the Avast message that the mail is clean.

It should be like that:

avast! Antivirus: Mensaje entrante limpio.
Base de datos de Virus (VPS): 080515-1, 15/05/2008
Comprobado el: 16/05/2008 18:27:35
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2008 ALWIL Software.

What is wrong?

Has the mail malitious undetected code?

Sorry if i posted the bad-spam mail integrally.Just remember it´s BAD_SPAM

Simply put, avast is an anti-virus and not an anti-spam program to block spam you need to get an anti-spam program.

You obviously chose to have clean notes put in clean emails, the email has no malicious code and as such no detection is made because avast is looking for viruses/malware and ‘not spam.’

You forget that the real problem is that Avast couldn´t properly write: this is a clean message,etc… (in Spanish in that case)
I received another mail of the same characteristics and Avast is still unable of writing properly in it:—>

–avst Atiirs:Mesae ntane imio
as d dto d Vru (PS: 80181,1805208Coprbao l:1805208 8:0:2avst -coyrgh () 98-208ALILSotwre

The first line should be →

avast! Antivirus:Mensaje entrante limpio

Second line should be–>

Base de datos de Virus (VPS): …

Why is Avast unable of writing all the letters of the words?

So, is the message clean should it be whatever, or what is happening?

Since I don’t read Spanish and I’m just an avast user like yourself I can’t answer questions I know nothing about.

You can edit the clean notes if you wish. Open the on-access scanner window (left click the avast icon), Internet Mail, Customize button, POP3 or SMTP tab and click the Format of the notes. This will show the 4 files that contain the text for the notes and this can be edited using notepad. When you save the changes the avast self-defence will probably ask are you sure or words to that effect. If you do that it would probably be worth saving a copy to a different location in case a program update reverts to the originals.

Personally I don’t feel that the insertion of clean notes is very worth while.
Certainly doing it for inbound email is pointless as if it is infected all hell will break loose with a visual and audible alert so you will know. For outbound email it is more of a good advert for avast, but if the recipient is anything like me they won’t trust any clean note as it can be inserted by ‘anything.’ In fact there are a number of virus attacks that inserted an not that the email was scanned by a well known AV which shall remain nameless, this to lull recipients into a false sense of security.

sopadeajo, I’ve never saw that avast message become corrupt… strange uh?
Is your email header with the lines X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS XXXXXX-X, XX/XX/2008), Inbound message and X-Antivirus-Status: Clean? (Right click the message, choose Properties and Details)

Another spam-mail of the same characteristics and this time the avast clean notice is properly written:


Since the start of 2008 our organization starts recruiting home workers
willing to take part in well-paying research studies conducted by leading
online businesses.
Your opinion as a consumer is important for the success and profitability of
many business ventures. That is why they are ready to pay generously for
what you think.

You can earn from $300 to $600 a week for participating in on-line surveys,
focus group discussions, and product/service evaluations. Become part of our
team and earn:

  • from $5 to $50 for participating in on-line surveys
  • from $20 to $120 for participating in product/service evaluations
  • from $30 to $155 for participating in virtual focus group discussions

What’s best, all you need to work with us is a computer, an Internet
connection, a valid e-mail address, and good English skills. You decide when
to finish your tasks and how much time to devote to each survey assignment.
You can also keep this job for the rest of the year!

If you want to become one of our highly valued survey takers, please write
back to 12657fritsch.jack@gmail.com and I will send you more information.

Please excuse us if this email is unwanted for you and we have disturbed you in some way, but this is a serious and sincere enquiry.


April Johnson
Assistant HR

avast! Antivirus: Mensaje entrante limpio.
Base de datos de Virus (VPS): 080518-1, 18/05/2008
Comprobado el: 19/05/2008 3:27:46
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2008 ALWIL Software.

I really was afraid some undetected bad code was preventing avast to write properly the clean notice.

Ok, everything seems fine now…

By the way. I cannot remember how to disable the automatic opening of mails in Windows Mail and Outlook Express.
That is, when i get unwanted mail which Vista tries to detect automatically, I usually check the unwanted mail folder to see if there is not legitimate mail uncorrectly taken as spam, but i cannot select a mail to delete it without this mail being opened automatically ,which is dangerous.

There was a way to fix this, but i forgot how.Anyone?

Are you referring to preview instead of opening?
Preview doesn’t shown images and doesn’t donwload the attached files.
If you enable preview, all folders (including that one) will be ‘previewed’… you need to disable the entire preview feature (close the panel) if you want to do so.