What should be the latest virus definitions

I have just turned on my laptop and on checking the updates the latest virus definitions is 7 September 2019 17.01 (ver.190907-4)

I have clicked on the check for updates and am told this is the latest version which is surprising as it is usually updated daily.
I am running the free version ver19.7.2388 build 19.7.4674.526

you get stream updates evry 5-15 minutes

Unless there is a error message from avast it should be OK

(ver.190907-4) is newer then the one listed https://www.avast.com/virus-update-history

@ conrad1961
My version of avast 19.7.xxxx same build as yours after a manual update check reported 190906-0 (as this win10 laptop isn’t always in use) as up to date.

The right click > avast tray icon > about avast reports 190907-4 as the latest VPS, so the two aren’t in synch and the highest doesn’t appear to be correct.

However, after a couple of flick flacks between the two they are both reporting the same version 190907-4.

I wouldn’t worry about it as you should also be getting the Streaming updates, these will keep you up to date until the latest VPS is released. Check the C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\defs folder and you will see all those streaming updates after your VPS version.

@ DavidR yes I can see the streaming updates like yours. I was disconcerted that there appeared to be no new definitions as they had always been done on a daily basis and given that Avast has been a little bit flaky over the last few months I did wonder if another glitch had occurred.

I have just done a manual VPS update and the latest one is 190909-6.