Hi guys,
Can you give me links where I can learn these please?
And I hope you’ll be willing to help me if I got some difficulties :-[
ok shwi liang,do you use linux or not?
what is your os?
how many hours that you can spend in front of your pcs?
what is your age?
Well I use windows xp right now.
I can spend the whole day(these two weeks)
I am 14 years old
Hi Shiw Liang
w3schools have tutorials that are as good as it gets.
Mainly for working on the web. Some of the languages like javascript are not exactly programming.
The basics - http://help.w3schools.com/web/default.asp
But as with everything its practice that makes you good at it.
Here is some background information. best look around and see what is right for you.
Java is a strong programming language. I doubt if you will have free time to learn Java just yet. But perhaps you do
Some of the w3schools is a bit more accessible and are mostly to do with using on the web.
Something to start with anyway.
Hello shiw,
Have you learnt any basic programming language in school? if yes, what?
Bookmarked this page - I also want to refresh my knowledge 8)
@mkis:Thank you for the superb links
@nmb:Well I school, I’ve begin with all the basic of computer!
Learn what is hign level language and low level languages etc…
Advantages and disadvantages of compiler and the other one etc…
oh and also how to create an html page with notepad I saw that in the book then created one by myself and also added a music tag which wasn’t in the book(I got that tag in the net also)
You might want to take a look at the free wikibooks:
ok start with python"i did not learn it first but no one guide me so i will guide you"
i suggest that you use the activestate active python,
open help from python gui and the go to python tutorial,here you go 1 week and you will be able to understand the python code,hey there is a dive ito python book inside the help file read it too
when you are good in understanding python tell me i will give you source codes developed by me to review and learn from them"open source codes"
Hey thank you a lot guys
welcome and “recruiting” new white hackers is one of my goal,my little brother is 13 years old have a big skills in perl and python,JS"i dont know a lot about it :'(",and he make some good small library,he is the first between his friends
a brother to superhacker==Hyper hacker
lolz hahaha but may I know what is the purpose of learning the computer language^^?
if you mean assembly:why i love avast forum?coz i can talk directly with developers,here is the same for assembly,assembly=small programs,hyper performance,low level access,…
if you mean programming language:it is so good to program your own programs,making exploits,builing test trojans un detected by anti malware,helping other,…
I suggest, start with VB.NET. Once you learn the basic concepts, the techniques in making conditional statements and debugging – you may move to a higher one, the strangulating Python, jabbing Java, faint-worth Fortran, confusing C, etc. VB.NET is good for beginners.
As of now, VB.NET is on debate whether it is part of Visual Basic or not. Ciaossu. < oops >
Download link (free): Visual Basic 2008 Express
strangulating Python:i thing it is so good and simple to learn
jabbing Java:the future is Java
faint-worth Fortran:i accept
confusing C:if you mean c or c++ you are totally wrong,it is hard but flexible,powerful"a lot of good programs made by c++"
and i dont recommend vb.net
Thanks for you recommendation superhacker
welcome Shwi Liang
i would like to see you making professional programs soon
Hahaha I hope I will be able!
Thank you a lot polonus!
I think I’ll start by tomorrow!
Today I’ll do the maximum to finish all my private tuitions homework and homework for holidays!