Any recommendations?
Super Anti-Spyware
Both have free versions which work very well, no need to purchase.
The don’t conflict with avast.
I am interested in this topic as well.
It seems that MBAM and Super Antispyware always come up as recommendations.
I only want to add one to my computer.
Which would be best–MBAM or SAS?
it doesn’t really matter which one of the two if you use on demand versions. both are equally good. they only take space on your hard disk since they are not resident. although sas is kinda slower than mbam, a scan per three days is acceptable.
Thanks for the advice.
Best is very subjective and both programs are actively being developed, both have slightly different features also. So as has been said why choose one, when using the free version they are on-demand and use limited resources, primarily the HDD space used to install and that is negligible.
I use SAS Pro, primarily because I used that for some time before I came across MBAM and you should only have one resident anti-spyware, in the same way you should only have one resident anti-virus.
funny as you all people here easily forget that avast itself has anti-spy (and anti-rootkit) abilities : …or is it that bad ? I’m not sure about that at all
Not saying that SAS and MB are useless, I run them myself sometimes…to double check, just as an extra layer of security. But asking for an anti-spyware software that runs fine with avast is a bit misleading, as it suggests that avast can’t do such things at all.
I haven’t seen anyone remove rogue security programs with Avast yet, it is always MBAM that is able to do that job…?
are you also saying that avast has no anti-spy detection and blocking ability ?
No, but in some areas MBAM is better, no program is best on everything
Then do some checking in the viruses and worms forums, because it does, not to the same degree as MBAM which started life as RogueRemover. You can also check the avast signatures as there ones there for rogue programs, like fake alert, etc.
The problem with support forums, is you only see those with problems ;D
The problem with support forums, is you only see those with problemsJepp, that is true ;D