???Blue Tooth, Blue Ray, Green, ???. Who thinks up all these names ? I for one think they should get a real life and a real job.
It is Blu Ray, not Blue Ray.
Who thinks up these names … people with little else to do.
Not really, BluRay is derived of Blue Ray. Guess what, the laser used to read BluRay discs is blue because the blue spectrum of light can bounce of more dense recorded data on the surface of BluRay disc. Red laser used on CD and DVD units cannot do that.
The answer for Bluetooth name lies right here:
What´s in a kiss.Have you ever wondered what´s in it?
(this is in fact an 80´s song from Irish man Gilbert O´Sullivan)
;D Thanks all, I feel much better now !
What´s in a kiss.Have you ever wondered what´s in it?I know the answer! A lot of bacteria ;D
I know the answer! A lot of bacteria
Yours is a good material explanation for kiss.Take off the bacteria and what´s left?
This is in a KISS…