seems it over for this time–this blaster was not so bad at all 300.000
computers down.hopefull up and runing agaian…so was next–something more big and more dificult to resolve and not made from and
stupid person who is technical novice or just angry on a system as microsofts-cross finger for that there will go long time before somebody
find the next hole in microsoft-theres proberly at lot of them??
well, wathever breaks out of its cage, I’m sure AVAST will put it back in !
As long as Avast is around, i sleep verry calm.
But there are much better programmers around than the person who wrotes “Blaster”.
Let’s just hope they never get the idea of creating something very wild.
But these days, even terrorist (like Al quada) say they will release a major virus or worm to destroy the economics in western countries.
I believe they are indeed capable of doing it. It’s just a mather of time before they create the beast.
::)yah,somebody will do it again-but all quada i do not belive–they are finnished and lunatics-they do not have brains to use for computers-but they have money so maybee they will by some expertise- >:(but we have avast to relay on-they did a good job-and to my suprise microsoft did wake up in the last momment… : ???