what's the difference????

even though i use the regular hijackthis http://www.download.com/HijackThis/3000-8022_4-10379544.html
i noticed a-while back on the a-squared free false positive ;D software site
this one http://www.hijackfree.com/en/ is it ok also to use along with the one i use above or stay away from ::slight_smile: ???
but sites clean by dr.web 8)

I would use only the official site http://www.hijackthis.de/en

that link is the online HijackThis log file analysis i already use after a logfile…not the hijackthis program ::slight_smile:

I use Polonus’ guide:
or http://www.pchell.com/support/hijackthistutorial.shtml

To download: http://www.spywareinfo.com/~merijn/files/hijackthis.zip
As a tutorial: http://www.tomcoyote.org/hjt/#introduction
For online analysis: http://hijackthis.de/index.php - http://hjt.networktechs.com/ - http://www.help2go.com/component/detective/

As a very good tool for automatic analysis: HijackReader.
Right now, you must manually update the definitions (items) of it:

  1. Pacman’s Startup List (“pacman.csv”): Download the MS Excel version of the startup list. Open the spreadsheet in Excel and save it as “pacman.csv”. Place this file in the same folder as the HijackReader executable.
  2. Tony Klein’s BHO List (“bholist.txt”): Download the BHO list and then copy it to the same folder as the HijackReader executable.

Also you can Hiloa?
It’s a little util I created to help with analyzing the log file created by HijackThis.

thanks for ALL the info and links tech :wink:

USERS OF AVAST ANTIVIRUS AND/OR TROJANHUNTER: Some users of these two software products may receive a virus/trojan warning when using HijackReader. This warning is a false positive, caused by the compression used by this program. To my knowledge, no other antivirus software will give you trouble
Written by Mikko Hollmén Olesen
Wednesday, 28 June 2006-----over a year ago
tech-has this issue been fixed since then ??? ::slight_smile:

Yes. It’s on the readme.txt file but I never had an issue with that program.