What's Ubuntu?


Do you mean that you burnt a copy of Ubuntu on CD and want to get rid of wubi? If so, yes, you can uninstall wubi under “Add/Remove Programs.” If you’re going to do a dual boot setup, be careful! :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

thats called a dual boot set up when you burn a copt of ubuntu?

Good advice ardvark, I wiped out an XP Pro OS when I attempted a dual boot… But Ubuntu did work fine :o

I just didn’t have the time or patientce to learn it well enough to use it properly :wink:

ok i copied it to a cd i got another question everything i download like the updates and the themes ,the plugins all stay within the live cd right? i mean everything i do stays in the cd?


I’m not sure I understand what you mean. ???

If you put additional software onto the CD, I don’t think it will install with Ubuntu automatically when you go to install. You will need to add those later from the CD when Ubuntu is installed.

Best Regards…

no im not going to install it, i just wanted to have just to play around with and get to know more about linux that’s it.hey ardvark yhanks again

As said by others in this thread, a Live CD is the way to go. Then you can play with Ubuntu all you want. A link to the download page was given in an earlier post.

Here’s a good read on those who contemplate going to Linux:


It is different, don’t let Linux scare you. Once you understand the fundamentals, and you see how friendly Ubuntu, and many other distros are, you might very well like it, particularly as a dual boot. If you ever get to the point where you want to dual boot, there are plenty of “How To’s” available. Just Google for them.


ya orangecrate i downloaded ubuntu .the iso then stuck a cd in and burned the ubuntu iso on to a cd.thats called a live cd right?what kind of scared me was what ardvark said iy wiped out his xp pro os


When you boot the disc, you should end up looking at the Hardy Heron on the desktop, and it should say “Live Session User” on the top panel.

Unless you choose the option to install it, the Live CD won’t make any changes to your hard drive at all. Just exit the disc when you’re done with your session.

Have fun…


Actually, no. I have Vista Home Premium and I never had that situation occur. I just heard of it happen to others so I wanted to pass on the warning. :slight_smile:

Best Regards…

thanks ardvark and orangecrate you have been very helpful!!!and i’m also running windows vista home premium,and yes it does say live session user on the top panel.as a matter of fact i’m going to pop in the cd right now and play around with it,it’c confusing though huh?

I’m browsing using Ubuntu right now… and this is a Wubi installation. Or you can use Unetbootin if you want to install it as a partition without burning a disc.


It can be, yes. Ubuntu and Linux in general is a whole different ball of wax.

You’re more than welcome! :slight_smile:

Best Regards…