What's with the Chrome Installation

Thanks for infecting my computer with Chrome. And to think I was considering buying your product. Refuse to pay money to companies that install unwanted software. Was good knowing you.

Simply using the custom install would have given you the ability to bypass Chrome.
Chrome by the way isn’t an infection but my default browser.
If you don’t like Chrome, simply un-install it.

Don’t try Avira though as it will install ask toolbar, if you remove that then Avira is crippled

Maybe I’m just excessively grumpy today but when something pops-up saying an update is available I expect an update, nothing else. I have uninstalled it. I realize it’s not an infection I just regard anything that appears without my approval as an infection, perhaps intruder is a better word :slight_smile:

This is a known issue with v8.0.xxxx when updating the program via the GUI.
Try downloading then installing.

Like Bob my default browser is Chrome.
My default browser was Firefox but Chrome is lighter and faster.
For what its worth Chrome is the most popular browser in use http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_stats.asp :slight_smile:

It is a known problem with V8 where sometimes the install option window fails to appear. This appears to have been fixed with the 2014 version currently in Beta

Thank you, I can believe that it’s a problem. How popular Chrome is isn’t really relevant. Been using Firefox for years and as long as it does exactly what I want there’s no reason to change. Have tried Chrome and wasn’t impressed. I missed my web developer and a few others. Maybe Chrome does now have them but they didn’t at the stage when I tried it.

It has never actually happened to me and due to the way I use my system along with running betas I reinstall quite a lot. Yet others appear to get it every time, possibly system configuration I don’t know :slight_smile: