What's wrong at avast ???

What’s going on at Avast for the last week? All kind of errors,wont update,reinstall same thing,manual download error message. repair error message, reinstall next day same thing.Pop ups work fine.Other av’s starting to look good.I know am not the only one.Going to give it a few more days to get there act together.I want to know am protected without having to check every time I use my pc.

Everything is fine here. :slight_smile:

Same fine here, the bad VPS update had a knock on effect and a lot depends on what you did to try and resolve it.

In the end those who did nothing other than wait for avast to resolve it had it resolved after about 12 hours in the next VPS update 121004-0. Which considering the time that it happened just before midnight local time 12 hours wasn’t bad.

Not to mention the problem didn’t stop avast from carrying out its normal security functions other than the VPS update didn’t work.

Other then reading all about it, I missed the whole ‘event’.
I’m checking pretty regular in the GUI for status and My AIS rolled along without a burp. ::slight_smile:

Mine burped the night this problem started by by the next day,
avast! gave it some gas medicine and everything was OK again. :smiley:

Just received this:


nothing bad happens here… everything works fine

I agree with you about this. I’m afraid that several of the company reps. on this forum are in denial as well.

Maybe you have a problem with your computer ??? Updates are working as they should.


Latest update information
Version:12100901, 2012-10-09
Just got the popup.

Everything ok on my end here.