I am Chinese, my English is not good, hope you can understand my meaning.
I upgraded avast!4.PRO for 0636-2 today. It thinks Windows\system32\taskmgr and Windows\system32\dllcache\taskmgr are the virus!!I use other much software to check, prove my system is normal, there is no virus.I use avast!4.XPRO of the old edition, proves too the system is normal.
My computer use WIn XP 5.1.2600, have you run into my the same problem too? :'(
I hope this situation can cause the attention.
I hope this situation can be solved in the next edition.
I hope the next edition can come as soon as possible.
Please see this thread:
Thank you, I have known .This problem has already been solved in 0636-3(VPS). Thank you. Thank avast! staff member’s extremely high working efficiency.
Thank avast! staff member’s extremely high working efficiency.