What's wrong whith Android devices inside my.avast.com ?

Since today ONLY (yesterday it worked), for ALL of my 5 Android devices (3x v4.* + 2x V5.*), my.avast.com is displaying “DETAILED INFORMATION FOR DEVICE XXX IS CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE”.
See https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=195448.0 (known for some other’s since 2017/01/17 but no Avast reply since that …)
My other Windows devices (PC W10) are still correctly displayed in my.avast.com (at this time !).
This seems to be a general Avast problem with Android devices (but no information from them yet …)
Any solution here please ?

Same here :frowning:
7 of my 11 listed Android devices just got this message all at the same time. 4 other Android devices are showing fine, but they are running the old avast version for Android 4 (with root protection) as far as I remember.
Seems more like a problem with avast.com than with the android phones themselves.
Please fix this!

Not sure who it was from avast (Thereza ?), but that post said that the problem was with devices that are running Android 6.x.

I have exactly the same issue on all my Android devices. I have two devices running on Android version 4.4 and others on 6.0

They all worked fine yesterday.

It’s clearly not limited just to Android 6.0

Hello Eddy, and thank’s for reply !

I don’t know about the referenced topic (https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=195448.0), but I have used this one because the message is the same TODAY with Android 4 and 5 devices !
Topic subject is exactly the same, so no need to create a new one. … and moreover we cannot read any found solution in this topic, isn’t it ?

But I am sure that today’s problem is from Avast because it worked fine until yesterday, and my Android devices didn’t update any Avast Mobile Security apps since nearly 1 month or more : to be precise , since 2017/02/17 for last Mobile Security release 6.0.1-14802-49a976e, and even since 2016/10/04 for last Anti-Theft release !
The ONLY Android “system” (Google) update since yesterday (please remind it worked yesterday), is from Google Street View, which, as far as I know, has nothing to do with Avast apps ?

About my 5 Android devices, they are all updated with the same two Avast apps releases as listed before, and they were all displayed correctly in my.avast.com until yesterday evening (2017/03/08), and my Android precise versions are : 4.2.2 (1 device), 4.4.2 (2 devices), 5.0.2 (1 device) and 5.1.1 (1 device).

Can anyone inform urgently Avast about this my.avast.com problem please ?

Great thanks !


You can tell avast yourself > https://support.avast.com/support/tickets/new?form=3

I don’t understand…aren’t these AVAST forums? ie. the official forums made and managed by Avast staff?

Thank you for the link Eddy !
Ticket opened : #742813 my.avast.com/#devices is displaying “DETAILED INFORMATION FOR DEVICE XXX IS CURRENTLY NOT AVAILABLE” for ALL Android devices since today only (2017/03/09) …

But before your direct link, I could only post to this forum before of … see attached screen capture !
I will inform everyone if I get a solution from Avast support …


The Avast support reply did not last long at all (less than 2 minutes !) :
We’re sorry, but we can’t seem to find a record of your license in our system.
If you use Avast Free Antivirus, please visit the FAQ section of our website or the Avast community forum.
If you use one of our premium products and believe you’ve received this message in error, please reply directly to this email advising us of your order ID or the email address you used to make the purchase. If you do not remember your order ID or which email address you used, please provide your full name and the postal address you entered when purchasing Avast.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
The Avast Support Team

And I have just replied to this email with :
Hello “Avast Support Team”,
As far as I know, the my.avast.com website is not a licensed product !?
And this problem comes from the my.avast.com website and not from any Avast free or licensed product !
So, do your team also supports my.avast.com website, or do I have to write to some other support team ?
But, if you mean that we can only hope that this problem will be solved shortly, then I hope that Google Play comments will help this to be solved faster …
If we can only get such less Avast support for officially distributed products (financed by too much Ads, or by purchased license), then I will shortly look for some other products (for my 7 personal devices, and also for my company devices).
Best regards,

To be continued …

Clearly it’s a problem related to the newer versions of ANTI THEFT and not the Android version.
Android phones I have with the old AVAST are still showing up fine.
I got 7 more phones, of which 2 phones which are even turned off for several weeks already, all became greyed-out at the same time in the my-avast interface.
Somebody messed up MY AVAST software as usual (as they did many times before and took ages to fix) and now all we need is the right direct support channel to contact and address this, as seems like these forums are useless when it comes to these kind of issues… :frowning:

Just to clarify, the phones that became inactive in my.avast are all different from each other, some with Android 4, some with 5 and some with 6.
The only thing in common between them is they all have newer versions or the latest version of AVAST ANTI-THEFT, while the other 4 phones that are still working and being listed have older versions.

All my devices are now back and available from the website.

Suspect someone needed to reboot a server or something…

Hello doclucas,
You are surely right about Anti-Theft version problem (cannot test here because all my devices are updated).
But at this time, Anti-Theft version did not change since 5 month ago (2016/10/04 for release, but this problem from my.avast.com came only yesterday !
And we do not have any updates history for my.avast.com website …
So I think that we can affirm now that this problem comes from a compatiblity issue of the last my.avast.com update (?) and the last Anti-theft version (
Thanks for your help, but as you said, now all we need is the right direct support channel to contact and address this !
NB: of course, I didn’t get any reply yet after my last reply yesterday evening to Avast Support Team.

BUT : to confirm tolksee last post (while I was writing this one), I can confirm that all Android devices are back on my.avast.com at this time for me.

Hi all,

we had unexpected service outage which caused that device data details could not be displayed. It should be fixed by now.

Please let us know if you still experience these problems.

We had unexpected outage of Anti-Theft backend which caused that device data has not been accessible. It should be fixed by now.
Tuvimos una interrupción inesperada al Anti-Theft que dejó los datos del dispositivo inaccesibles. Ya está arreglado ahora.
Tivemos uma interrupção inesperada ao Anti-Theft que deixou os dados do dispositivo inacessíveis. O problema já foi corrigido.

Yeah, seems to be back to normal…hope it stays this way.

I am still having the same problem.

Odd. Working fine for me for a while already.
Did you try logging off and logging back in to see if that is fixing it?

Still having the same problem, see ticket #746827

Yea I tried logging off and back in and also readded devices again.